Insurance Massachusetts


Announcing iDrive Maryland!

Expanding access to affordable vehicle loans for Marylanders with disabilities,particularly those in rural areas of the state, via low interest rates, flexible lending criteria, and expanded re-payment terms.

  • Interest rates currently offered at 3%*
  • Loan amounts from $500 – $70,000*
  • Up to 120-months (10 year) repayment terms for some vehicles*
  • Loans for both adapted AND non-adapted vehicles

* some restrictions apply

Our team is here to provide presentations on this program and do referrals to The Department of Disabilities Assistive Technology Program.


Information & Referral

The Independent Living community provides disability-specific information and referral to ensure people with disabilities have access to information needed to achieve or maintain independence in their community.

Independent Living Skills Training

Resources for Independence implements peer support to provide training on the very specific set of skills needed to achieve independent living, ensuring that people with disabilities achieve and maintain their independence.

Peer Counseling

Emphasizes individuals with disabilities helping each other as role models, advisors, mentors and advocates.

Individual and Systems Advocacy

Centers can provide disability awareness training, advocate for improved accessibility, or assist people transitioning from a nursing home to independent living in their community. Center staff advocate on an individual and system-wide basis to ensure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities.

Assistive Technology/ Independent Living Program

The Assistive Technology / Independent Living Goods and Services Program assists eligible individuals with significant physical and mental disabilities to prepare for and live independently at home in the community.

Western Maryland Americans with Disabilities Act Coalition

RFI can answer questions regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide information, materials, training and referrals.

Work Incentives Counseling

Many disability beneficiaries won’t work or even limit their earnings for fear of losing their benefits. Work incentives are supports that can help you manage your benefits while working. Our goal is to let you know that you can work and increase your income and become more independent.

MDTAP AT Library Program

Western Maryland Regional Assistive Technology (AT) Loan Library.

See, Try, and Borrow AT!

At Library Equipment:

  • Aids for Daily Living
  • CCTV’s, Video Magnifiers, Hand held Magnifiers
  • iDevices & Apps to aid communication, learning, vision
  • Adapted computer & computer peripherals
  • Reading and Writing Aids
  • Assistive Listening Devices
  • And more

RFI Assistive Technology Services:

  • Device Demonstrations & Consultations
  • Short-term Device Loans
  • Library Tours
  • AT Trainings & Presentations
  • Information & Referral
  • AT Funding Resources

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Resources for Independence


  • Monday-Saturday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
  • Sundays: Closed

Helping You

Services are provided to those residing in Allegany, Garrett, and Washington Counties in Maryland.