This year has certainly provided our community with many obstacles to tackle, but through the unknown, Resources for Independence has found ways to help our consumers and the rest of the community be better prepared for whatever future situations may arise. We have collaborated with local food banks and other local agencies to create an Emergency Preparedness Program that supplies disaster kits and small non-perishable food items to individuals with disabilities and their families.
Each Emergency Preparedness Kit is filled with:
- First aid – basic antiseptic, bandages, gloves, and masks
- Water
- Non-perishable food
- Manual can opener
- Flashlight batteries
- Soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrush
In addition to the creation of these kits, RFI will be delivering the kits directly to community members who sign-up for this service.
We would like to thank the foodbanks and local agencies who have helped up make this resource possible. If you would like to sign-up to receive one of our Emergency Preparedness Kits, please visit our contact page and fill out the boxes, then mention EPP in the message section.
Resources for Independence (RFI) is a Center for Independent Living (CIL). Centers for Independent Living are grassroots, advocacy driven organizations run by and for people with disabilities. They focus on civil rights, the independent living philosophy, and inclusion.